Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reading Challenge Revised?

I've stated before on this blog that I've challenged myself to read at least twelve books in one year.  As a part of my challenge I do not include cookbooks, how to garden books, or other instructional books.  In some years I've met or gone beyond my challenge, and in other years I haven't.  Imagine my surprise, and amazement, that some people actually challenge themselves to read 100, 113 or even 150 books in one year.  I'm astounded (in a very good way) that they can make time to read so many books.  It's also very inspirational that so many words, thoughts, ideas, etc., can be devoured in such a limited amount of time (or what I think is a limited amount of time).  Now I'm thinking to myself, maybe I should increase the number of books I ought to read in a year.

How about you?  Do you like to read for pleasure?  Do you have a reading goal to meet in a certain time period?

Check out the following bloggers that really really really love to read:

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Missing Summer (Especially Right Now)

[Duluth, MN, August 2012]

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day

Today, I was lucky that several people sent me text messages wishing me a Happy Valentine's Day.  Of course, I too wished them a Happy Valentine's Day.  I'm not one to obsess over the holiday, I don't worry or am sad that I haven't received any gifts and flowers, and I definitely don't care that I don't actually have someone "special."  I'm actually really happy to just get a Valentine's Day message.

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day (it's not a holiday just for lovers), and I wish you lots of love and happiness, wherever you are.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Island Adventure

This past weekend, my nephew visited me.  I haven't seen him since the summer, so it was really nice to have him around.  Even though he's a tween, his presence always makes me feel as if I need to be his caretaker (e.g. make breakfast, ensure that he's warm, brushes his teeth, etc.,).  So this past weekend, I wanted to do something with him, other than sit at home.  I suggested that we walk on the frozen lake and he readily agreed.
So on Saturday, after bundling up, we headed out onto the frozen lake.  There was some snow on top of the lake and we walked for a little bit.  My intent was to walk around the lake but after a couple of minutes of walking, he got bored, so I suggested that we head to the little island that was near the other side of the lake (directly opposite of my home).  He complained about the distance but continued on.  
Once we got to the island, we climbed on and explored for a little bit.  There were a lot of fallen trees, lots of little saplings sprouting all over the place, and even rose bushes.  I'd love to come back during the spring and explore, but I can also imagine the little island being covered with insects of all kind and even ticks (yuck!).  Despite the cold, I actually may prefer to visit the little island during the winter time.  As for my nephew, he picked up branches, took out some of his energy on the dead trees, and actually climbed a tree.  He said he had a lot of fun.  I'm just glad that I spent some time with him outdoors and didn't leave him all cooped up in my home.

How is your winter coming along so far? 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday's Quote: Rene Descartes

"It is not enough to have a good mind; the main thing is to use it well."---Rene Descartes

There are so many published studies stating that human beings need to continuously use their mind, especially as they get older, in order to keep it healthy.  It's not good enough to just have a good mind.  I try to read, do puzzles, and other small things to try and keep my mind healthy, but I found a website that's really useful and wanted to share it with you.
I recently came across the following website:  www.lumosity.com.  The website provide games to stimulate the mind and to keep it active.  Anyone can sign up for free and play three games per day.  It also keeps track of how well you are doing.  Of course, for a monthly fee, you can play more games per day and have the website keep better statistics based on your performance.  I don't have too much money, so I'm just doing the free version.  So far, it's actually quite fun and a good way to pass a couple of minutes.
If you try it, let me know what you think.  I think some of the games are really fun.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Winter Evening

[Taken January 5, 2013.]