Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday's Quote: Bertolt Brecht

"Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are."---Bertolt Brecht

I am the cause of my own unhappiness in my life.  I have said it before and I will say it again, I am too afraid of the future and I am a coward.  I have unintentionally hurt a good friend and to that friend, I want to say that I am very sorry and I am very very sorry for causing disappointment in you. I understand that because I have created my situation, things are the way they are right now.  Due to my selfishness, things will not stay the way they are between us.  I am very sad that our friendship has come to an end.  You have affected me in so many positive ways and I am so very sorry that I was not a better person for you.

I will try not to bother you anymore.  I have already taken too much of your time, when it should be spent with others who are more deserving of it.  Thank you for coming into my life and for all the good that you have done for me.  I appreciate you so much and I appreciate all that you have done for me.  I am very sorry.  I only wish you much love and happiness.  Please continue to live, love, and laugh.


Anonymous said...

I love the quote! However your story is so sad, this person must be someone special? Looking on the brighter side it will get better from now on and going forward with your life. Be positive, it's not the end of the world, yet?

Anonymous said...

Be strong my friend, you are a wonderful person who will find your way and will enjoy life to the fullest, I know it. Just learn from your mistakes and move forward with your life. Don't dwell on the past and live the NOW... don't wait a second longer. Be happy you have a new beginning to start fresh...take advantage with whatever comes your way. Steve

Unknown said...

"Moving on" is a good phrase. It's time to open yourself to new opportunities and YOU can create your own happiness. Don't be sad. Don't feel that you're missing out on someone or something bc things happen as they should.