Monday, October 22, 2012


Lately, I've been feeling moody and blue. I could try and blame it on the weather, but I can't. The weather actually has been wonderful here. It's cool and crisp outside, with enough sun and wind. 

I think my moody and blue feelings arise from so many things going on in my life. I have lots of family drama going on and it's really wearing me down. I'm also trying to find my heart again. My heart's really tired of being sad and it just wants to be happy. I'm also trying to find my "home" again. Lastly, work has been keeping me stressed and taking too much of my time. I wish I could find a happy and balanced life, and soon. 

How are you?  How do you keep your life balanced?


Anonymous said...

As of late my mood has been similar to yours! Its been really crappie. I know the weather in my area had been rainy, causing my mood swing to elevate from low to high! I know the weather has little to do with it, but can I "blame it on the rain" as Milli Vanilli would put it. My life as taken a step back due to my love life but I won't go into that it's just part of life that we must go through I guess?

I hope you'll find your home again where ever that may lead you to, I wish you the best.

Regarding work, their will always be work for you. All I can suggest to you is to pace yourself, don't get too involve (emotionally), don't bring it home and enjoy what you love to do. Hope

Anonymous said...

I like your picture. Where was it taken at?

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, the picture was taken outside of the Federal Courthouse in downtown Minneapolis, MN. There are a lot of cute rock sculptures there.