Thursday, March 22, 2012

Peeping Garlic

It's early by a month, but spring is here despite the possibility of a late frost.  I am hoping that all of my fruit trees will blossom without fail (except for my Morello cherry tree) and put forth fruit this year.  I am especially looking forward to an apple or two from my Honeycrisp apple tree.  I've been waiting for the last two to three years, but no Honeycrisp apple yet.
 Anyhow, what I really wanted to share (and the main reason I'm hoping there won't be a late frost this spring) is the progress of my garlic.  As I posted on October 16th, I planted some garlic in one of my raised beds.  This is actually my first time growing garlic and I was a bit nervous that the animals around my 'hood might dig up the garlic bulbs during the fall and winter.  I saw in the fall at least one garlic bulb was dug up and chewed on (although, whatever animal that chewed on it only took one bite and left the garlic alone).  Then earlier in the month, I saw another garlic on top of the soil that may have been heaved out of the ground due to the freezing and thawing weather.  Unfortunately, it was not likely going to sprout.
Today, I saw that so many of the garlic bulbs were sending out little green shoots.  I'm actually quite excited and can't believe that so many bulbs survived the winter, even if it was a very mild one.  I feel as if I've done something right.  I'm anticipating some yummy garlic scapes this spring (which is another post for another day).

So far, how has your spring been?


Anonymous said...

Spring! Spring! We're getting snow while your neck of the woods is getting sun when it should be getting snow... This globe warming is affecting everything. Anyhow good to know your plants are sprouting beautifully. Post some pictures?

My Favorite Things said...

Wow, you're getting snow? Sounds like that should be happening to Minnesota. I will post pictures. I just didn't get a chance to take and upload the pictures due to my work schedule.

Anonymous said...

Finally you updated some pictures of the onions sprouts, lovely!

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, it's actually garlic that's sprouting. However, thank you for your comment.