Friday, March 30, 2012

Friday's Quote: Don Herold

"It takes a lot of things to prove you are smart, but only one thing to prove you are ignorant."---Don Herold

For most of my life, I've been called or characterized as "smart."  I will say that I prefer to be called "smart" as compared to being called "sexy" or "beautiful."  However, I will admit that I work hard at being "smart."  For example, I read a lot, I'm curious about things around me, I try to find answers to things that intrigue me, and I try to dialogue with people.  Yet, this doesn't mean that I'm not ignorant.  I feel as if there is still so much to learn and I'm sometimes embarrassed at my lack of knowledge of simple things.  So I try to be as humble as possible, accept my ignorance (rather than deflect it or feign knowledge), and try to learn more with the hope of being less ignorant.

How have you been characterized or how would you characterize yourself?  Would you prefer to be characterized as something else?

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