Friday, March 9, 2012

Friday's Quote: Virgil Thomson

[A couple of postings ago, I thought that I would use a my quote of the day as a starting piece for a blog posting for a day out of the week.  I figured that I could attempt to do this on Fridays, starting today.  I hope I can do this on a consistent basis.  I can't seem to come up with a catchy phrase, so I guess it will just be "Friday's Quote" for now.]

"I don't go around regretting things that don't happen.---Virgil Thomson

I very much would like to say that I don't go around regretting about things that didn't happen, but I can't.  At the same time, if I do regret, it isn't too often.  I've also realized that as I get older, it's easier for me to accept the decisions I've made, focus on the present and not think about the things that didn't happen, and regret less.  

At the same time, another way to interpret Virgil Thomson's quote is that he may go around regretting the things that did happen.  I admit that I do regret about things that did happen, but I am learning to accept things and live with the consequences of my decisions/actions.

How about you, which camp are you in?  Do you regret about things that don't happen or things that did happen?  Or are you also in both?

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