Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday's Quote

"Endure the present, and watch for better things."---Virgil

I know there have been moments in my life (e.g. the last two winters), in which I was going through some really tough times.  Especially in matters relating to the heart, I remember how hard it was to endure the present because I recall everything around me seemed so dismal and how it was so hard to get beyond the emotional darkness that surrounded me.  

Yet, I endured.  Of course, I couldn't have endured without good friends and family to listen to me and just provide perspective.  At the same time, these friends also helped watch out for better things for me.  Sometimes, I may have been so wrapped up in just trying to endure that it was hard to recognize that some things may actually be good for me (e.g. just watching a movie, having a "girls' night out").  Thank goodness for family and friends.

Do you have your own story about enduring the present and watching for better things?


Anonymous said...

What about the matter of the heart, did it get better this year?

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I don't really know if it got better this year or not. Only time will tell.