Saturday, December 24, 2011

Happy Holidays

I don't generally celebrate the holiday season in the fashion and at the time most generally would, but I am still very cognizant of the fact that most everyone celebrates something. So I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday, filled with lovely family members, great friends, and good food.
I wish you all the best. Please keep warm and stay safe.


Anonymous said...

How do you celebrate your holiday?

My Favorite Things said...

My celebration of the holiday season is really informal. I often take time to give thanks to those I love and are important to me. At the same time, I reflect back on the previous year and I also thank the universe for all the wonderful things (big or small) that have happened in my life.

Anonymous said...

What about spending time with family? Do you do that? I love spending time with my family during the hoidays. Its the only time we get to enjoy eachother company and have dinner together.

My Favorite Things said...

Each year I go home and spend time with my family. We don't have a particular dinner or tradition that brings our whole family together all at once. I think we are trying to establish that through our yearly "family pictures," but it's really hard to coordinate our schedules. However, we all really appreciate the knowledge that we all are together in the same home during that time period and are happy to be in each other's presence.