Saturday, July 30, 2011

Strawberry Update

Earlier this spring, I posted about how I've purchased the Mara des Bois strawberry plant, believing that it would not develop runners. Okay, so I believed wrong. It has produced numerous runners. This was what I wanted to avoid because it's a pain in the rear to try and keep the plants and its bedding under control. The easy solution is to cut off all those runners, but I hate killing off a potential strawberry plant. Aw shucks, I think I'm going to resort to that. I still haven't gotten any fruit yet, although I've gotten some flowers from the plants. I blame the lack of strawberries on the wild life roaming or passing through my yard.

Well, guess what? That unknown strawberry plant that I "saved" from the side of my house is producing flowers. To me, that's an indication that the plant is not a June-bearing variety. It could also mean that the weird weather we've had lately (it feels as if we're off by a month) is making the strawberry think that it's June. Hmmmm . . . . I will have to keep investigating.

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