Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July and "Hello World"

I hope everyone who celebrates the Fourth of July is having a wonderful three day weekend. I am finally taking time for a breather and just trying to relax before having to go back to work.

This weekend has reminded me that I often take for granted how "connected" I am to the world through the internet, especially in this day and age of technology, and my heavy reliance on electricity. People, a huge storm came through my neck of the woods this past Friday and I (along with many of my neighbors) were without electricity for two days and two nights. The county I lived in fared a lot better than other counties (at least we didn't get a tornado warning after a severe thunderstorm warning); however, I still found the whole experience a bit scary.

There was lots of rain (which was nice to have after the last several hot days), thunder, lightening, hail (see the golf ball size hail in the picture above), and ferocious winds. I didn't mind not having electricity that Friday night, but the next day I realized that so much of my home used electricity in order to properly function (e.g. refrigerator, stove, water pump, etc.).

Looking at my yard, I was pretty lucky, especially compared to my next door neighbors. I had lots of debris (e.g. tree branches, leaves, sticks) thrown into my yard and one of the limbs on my maple tree got torn off, but that was it. One of my neighbor's very mature (but healthy) pine tree was uprooted, but it's a good thing it didn't fall on anyone's home or garage. In retrospect, I'm so glad that I took out my dying red oak and dying maple tree earlier this spring. Who knows what could have happened had I left them on the property for another year.

Well, I hope you all had a safe and wonderful weekend.

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