Saturday, July 23, 2011

Fresh Garlic

Two days ago, on Thursday, I went to the farmers market and purchased two bundles of garlic. I chose the biggest heads I could find among the many sellers selling their wares. I chose to purchase this particular garlic, not only for the size of the heads, but also because the sellers grew the garlic in Minnesota climate and gardens. The pictures are a bit misleading because the garlic heads are not as big as the ones you find in the store or as big as the ones that my mom grows. However, unlike the garlic found in the store and grown by my mother (which are use to California climate and planting seasons), I think the garlic I picked up may be hardy for me to plant in my garden.

I am taking the two largest heads out of the bundles to plant in my garden this fall. I will consume the rest. I've already added fresh garlic to my scrambled eggs and a pasta salad. I find the garlic to be very fresh tasting but not overpowering. The garlic also has a "buttery" taste to it. I can't really explain it, but it's really good. I don't know why I haven't grown my own garlic, but I will try this fall. A post about my foray into garlic growing will be forthcoming. Until then, I urge you all to go find your own sources of fresh garlic and enjoy.

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