Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Creative Juices

Lately I feel a lot like myself again. The anticipaton of spring and the passage of time have helped me so much. Of course, I've also changed for the better (e.g. wanting to clean all the time), and something is stirring inside of me, ready to start living again, to be active and ready to try new things.

I've found the enjoyment of books again, having read for pleasure four novels in about a month' period. I want to start cooking and baking again. And I want to get creative again. I've been telling myself that I want to take up painting, and I think I will this year. I'll even try to stretch and prime my own canvas to paint on. I also told myself that I would run a 10k this year (just need to keep training some more).

Right now I feel as if I'm up for anything that comes my way. I'll try and keep you posted.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"I'm up for anything that comes my way", I tell that to myself too to encourage myself to try new things.