Saturday, July 17, 2010

Drenched, But Blessed

It's about 9:15 p.m. and I just got home. I was at work today (yes, it's a Saturday, and yes, I stayed late). I left earlier in the afternoon to finish up some necessary closing of cases at work. I took the bus and didn't drive, thinking I was going to leave early. As always, once I'm on a roll, I couldn't get myself to leave. It was HOT and HUMID this morning, so I presumed that it would continue into the evening. Was I ever wrong.

By 6 p.m. dark clouds rolled in and I saw lightning. I think it may have rained, but the clouds cleared for a bit and the sun came through. Believing that the worst was over, I decided to stay until 8:15 p.m. When I got out of the building I knew that I should have left early. Due to the Twins game, I had to walk about a quarter of a mile to get to my bus stop. Several large gusts of wind blew at my back, telling me to hurry up. I got to my bus stop just in time to take refuge under the eave of a building when the rain came down.

And the rain REALLY came down. It came down fast and furious. Then it came down in sheets. It came down so hard that it hurt my eyes. Despite the building eave protecting me (and several other people waiting for the bus), the wind blew a lot of the rain toward my way. I was drenched. I looked up at the sky and stated that it looked like "tornado" conditions.

Eventually, my bus came and I hurried out into the bus. When I got off at my stop, I had to walk home. Even though it was about a quarter of a mile walk home, I jogged most of the way home. On my way home I noticed the large fallen branch blocking the sidewalk and that a large tree (yes, a tree) fell on an empty lot (probably due to the strong winds). Of course I was soaked when I reached my front door. I entered my home, happy and blessed. I'm thankful that I have shelter (with a solid roof) and that I wasn't hit by lightning.

Now, a warning just flashed across the television screen stating that a tornado may be heading towards parts of southern Minnesota and northwestern Wisconsin. Outside, the rain continues to pound, along with huge gusts of wind, thunder and lightning. I'm trying to warm myself up right now, but I'm just so glad for everyone and everything I have in my life. Hope everything is well with you.

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