With the impending end of May, I decided that I should share pictures of what's going around my garden. Seriously, this time last year I only had little seedlings in the ground and had barely just planted seeds several weeks before. This year is a big difference compared to last year.
As I previously posted, I have lots of strawberries. I believe that my strawberries are June-bearing plants, meaning that the plants produce strawberries in June. However, with this early spring, my strawberries are already here and ripening at an early pace.
Next, I have pictures of my little vegetable garden. In the foreground of the above picture, you see the loose leaf lettuce, then the tops of my radishes, then more lettuce. Right behind the lettuce, standing tall, are my green onions. To the left behind the green onions, are my raspberry plants.
I had to share this picture of a HUGE parsley plant. In summers' past, my parsley often died in the fall and in the spring I had to replant from seed (bought from the store). For some odd reason, this past winter, my parsley plants did not die. Instead, when spring came around, they were alive and well, and they grew. I've been trying to eat as much parsley as possible, but I think that I will let this parsley flower and develop seeds (so I don't have to purchase the seeds from the store). This will be the first time I may actually harvest my own parsley seeds. How exciting. Oh and that little plant right behind the parsley is an arugula plant.
Lastly, I had to share a picture (yes, somewhat badly taken) of my cherry tree. Can you see the many cherries growing on the tree? You can also see the poppies growing behind the tree. I have orange and salmon colored poppies. I've missed out on the blooming irises, but hopefully I'll be able to post some next year. What's blooming in your life?
Seriously, I hate that you have such a nice camera at your disposal. Love the pictures!
I'll post some of my garden stuff in my blog also. You should check it out!
WHAT??? You actually have a garden? And a blog? When was this?
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