Monday, August 31, 2009

I'm Still Here

Hey all. Sorry that I haven't posted for some time. Yes, I am still here. And I miss you all. I've just been busy (REALLY, REALLY busy with work) and I've been meaning to post for a while.
So how's the weather in your neck of the woods? It's been very cool here. The high has been in the low 80s (if even), and the nights have been sooo cool, that I've actually had to close my bedroom windows at night (I've even had to put on a sweatshirt this evening).
I can't believe that today is the last day of August. I know it's not officially "autumn," but in my mind, I always associate September as the beginning of autumn. This spring and summer has been very mild and cool. I think the lack of sun has affected my fruit and vegetable bounty (or the lack thereof). Anyhow, with the end of summer in sight, I still look forward to next year (e.g. picking cherries and strawberries in June, picking summer raspberries and blueberries in July) and I will continue to plan ahead as to what I will be growing next year.

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