Saturday, May 23, 2009

Strawberry Update

I just wanted to share an update on the status of my strawberry plants. In the fall of 2007, I planted several strawberry plants and blogged about it. Last summer was the first summer for the plants, also known as the "mother" plants. These mother plants sent out lots of runners which eventually became the "daughter" plants. Last summer I only got three strawberries. In retrospect it's a good thing I didn't get any more because I would have had a hard time picking off all of the strawberry flowers.

Apparently, by not allowing the mother plant to produce blossoms (thereby fruiting) allows it to put all of its energy into producing vigorous daughters. The daughters will in turn provide great yields the follwowing season. Well, this spring, the daughter plants are are not disappointing me and are producing a whole lot of strawberries. I'm can't wait to harvest my first crop of strawberries, but I wish that my family could be here to share these scrumptious strawberreis with me.

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