Sunday, January 18, 2009


WHY are the Arizona Cardinals not getting their just due? Why are people so surprised that the Cardinals actually won the NFC Championship today (granted that this is their first time ever, since the inception of the NFL, that they got this far in the post-season AND won the NFC AND their first time as contenders in the Super Bowl)? What I don't understand is how this can be so surprising. Have they not seen Kurt Warner's quick release of the football, Larry Fitzgerald's gravity-defying catches, the amazing job the Cardinal's defense does in stopping their opponents' offense, or Adrian Wilson's ten-year devotion to the Cardinals?

I'm not a die hard fan, but for a very long time, I've had a soft spot for this underdog team. I was really exited when they drafted Matt Leinart as the team's quarterback of the future and saw it as a sign that the Cardinals were no longer going to be the laughing stock of the NFL. Then Matt Leinart got injured last season and Kurt Warner replaced him. I'll admit that I really [heart] Kurt Warner as a quarterback. How could you not? He's not a "traditional" quarterback, meaning that he went to a college that did not have a major football program, that after his college education he played Arena Football because no NFL team was willing to give him a chance, and finally he was able to sign with the St. Louis Rams in 1998 as a back up quarterback to eventually taking the Rams to and winning Super Bowl XXXIV in January 2000. I also [heart] Kurt Warner because he's one of the few remaining quarterbacks I watched as a "youngster" that has not yet retired (sniff, sniff, bye Brett Farve, I know you're going into retirement).

Okay, so enough gushing about Kurt Warner (he rocks!!!). Since the Cardinals clenched the NFC Championship today, it means that they are going to the Super Bowl (YEAH!!!). So watch the Super Bowl and root for the Cardinals. GO CARDINALS!!!

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