Saturday, September 20, 2008

Love in the Time of Cholera

When I start a book, especially one that I find to be engaging and profound, I often finish it within a short period of time, strictly from cover to cover. Lately (to my chagrin) I've found the following an exception to my reading method: Gabriel Garcia Marquez's engaging, profound, and beautifully written book, Love in the Time of Cholera. Don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to be agreeable and disway others from reading the book (I really cannot emphasize how well written this book is ). I find that I'm having a very hard time finishing the book because I find certain parts heartbreaking and just can't continue reading. I'm not ashamed to admit that I skipped many of the book's chapters and read the ending. It is my hope, however, that I'll eventually come back and read the whole book in order and from cover to cover.

Yes, the book was turned into a movie that was released in 2007, but I'll wait to see it after I finish the book.


Aplysia Oceanography said...

I should read this book too.
well, actully....
maybe i shouldn't.
I think it's gonna be like Harry Potter 7 all over again.
I swear, it took me like 3-6 months to finally pick up the book again.
all these heartbreaking stories are so SAD! :(
Maybe i shouldn't read it....

My Favorite Things said...

Maybe you should wait until you get over HP 7 before you start--so like wait until you're 30 to begin reading the book.