Sunday, September 7, 2008

Busy Autumn

Lately it’s been nippy here; a sign that autumn has arrived. Autumn was my favorite season as a kid, but as an adult now, I think I love spring and summer more (just because our winters are so long and I get to garden during those seasons). In anticipation of winter, I’ve already started planning what I’m going to do with my container plants and how I need to prepare my garden beds for winter.

I’m also thinking about the layout of my flower garden (see July 17, 2008 blog entry), considering that I’ve got co-workers willing to give me plants from their gardens. I’m pretty excited about the different plants I’m inheriting (e.g. bleeding hearts, hostas, daylilies, Easter lilies, Siberian irises) and the space these plants will take up in my garden. I also have to replant the existing bearded irises in my garden because I planted the plants too deep last fall (which will cause the irises to not bloom, therefore explaining why only one plant bloomed this year). I’m also debating whether I want to spread manure on my garden beds or whether I should wait until spring. I use to think of autumn as a time to just rake leaves, but as a gardener it's actually the other time in which I need to prep my garden for the spring (planting, clearing, raking, etc.). I didn't think I would be this busy, but I am (not to say that I'm complaining).

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