Sunday, July 13, 2008

Handmade Dolls

Several weeks ago, when my sister was here visiting me she saw the two plaid dolls I made for myself several years ago. The dolls are inspired by something I saw on the Internet and I made a pattern for myself and designed the basic components of the doll. My doll resembles the ones I saw on the Internet, but is much more homely looking (meaning, my doll is not as cute).
I recycle old shirts and clothes, turning the fabric into the doll's body. All of the stitches are sewn by hand, and the doll itself is also hand cut and hand sewn. Since the doll is 100% handmade, it's time consuming to make just one.

So when my sister was here, she was so enamored of the dolls that she generated plans to create many different dolls to give away. For those who know of my sister, she means well but often has a hard time following through. She began making the doll on the left with the floral prints (cutting out the patterns, sewing on the buttons, stuffing the body), and I helped her finish it (sewing the body together, sewing the decorative stitchings). This morning, I finally finished her doll and all it needs now is a tag. There are still several other dolls she left with me that she started and are still in the process of being finished. I guess at this point, I'm just glad to finally finish one. Sister, you'll be getting your doll soon (I hope).


Aplysia Oceanography said...

how about yayee's doll....

Anonymous said...

I'm working on it. Remember that YOU were supposed to do the work and not me???