Sunday, May 4, 2008


I have a walking routine that I do every weekend when the weather allows. I usually get up in the morning and walk for at least thirty minutes. Often I walk around my neighborhood, and sometimes I go to a lake in the city and walk around it. I love to walk and just observe my surroundings.

Today was such a beautiful day that I decided to head out to the lake for a mid-morning walk. People think I'm crazy or too "fit" because I don't chose to sleep in. However, I just can't justify sleeping in on such a beautiful day (especially with the crazy weather occurring here), and I always feel like I've wasted my morning if I slept in.

Anyhow, the sun was shining, the water was blue (no mosquitos and no scum on the lake yet), there were light breezes, and the birds were out. I just wanted to be outside all day, enjoy my surroundings, and be a part of nature.

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