Tuesday, April 29, 2008

If You Plant It, It Will Come (Hopefully)

Despite the wacky weather in my part of the world, my tulips are actually coming up. I purchased the bulbs at a major retailer last fall and planted them all over my back yard. In retrospect, I probably should've planted them in one spot, but I reasoned that tulips only lasted for a short period of time and it was best to "share" the color in the spring.

Anyhow, in the fall (and even early this spring) the squirrels kept on digging up my tulip bulbs, thinking that it could eat the bulbs. Well, tulip bulbs are toxic to squirrels and this was confirmed by the fact that my tulip bulbs were dug up, strewn around my garden, but never eaten. So I would then replant my tulip bulbs (even the moldy looking ones) and hoped for the best. So, despite the crazy weather this spring, my tulip bulbs are actually sprouting leaves and maybe even a tulip or two. I just hope that there won't be a cold front or frost coming in anytime soon.

Friday, April 25, 2008

A Nice Gesture

Yesterday, I was not having a good day. I had spent all day (including lunch) writing and editing my first response motion, trying to finish it before my client could come in to sign it later in the day. I was on a tight deadline and a bit stressed. In addition, I was also trying to recover from a very long and emotionally draining week. So as I left work, walking down to my bus stop, it was steadily raining (not drizzling and not pouring, but in between the two). As I stood on the corner, fatigued and waiting for the light to change (I only was wearing jeans and a sweatshirt with a hood) a woman walked up to that corner and shared her umbrella with me. We made small talk and she shared her umbrella while we waited at the corner and as we crossed the street. Then we parted and went our separate way. It was such a nice gesture. To say the least, I was pleasantly surprised and it really made my day. Despite the rain, the chilly wind, the fatigue, and my numbed brain, I felt a lot better.