Saturday, January 5, 2008

A New Year's Resolution

I recently saw my family and was reminded of how much time had flown by. In my mind, my younger brothers remain ten years old or younger. Although I cherish my memories of my younger brothers as being under the age of eleven, my daily interactions with my younger brothers forced me to recognize the fact that they are now hormonal teens and a bratty tween. This is not to say that I don’t ever want them to grow up, only that I’ve missed out on watching them growing up.

All of this reverie points out a personal flaw – which I fully recognize and have been trying to correct – which is that I live too much for the future and not enough in the present. I like to plan and have certain ideas of how certain aspects of my life ought to turn out, and once a particular goal is reached I continue to plan for the next future outcome. Of course, in the midst of planning, I often forget about my current surroundings and the people in my life. So when I finally stop planning and just live for the moment, it is only then do I realize how much time has passed me by and lament for not living in the moment. So, this year, as a new year's resolution, I want to live more in the present (good or bad).

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