Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Potential "Cottage Garden" Material?

I’ve been living in my house for three summers and it wasn’t until the end of this summer that I’ve made a conscious decision to actually turn a section of my backyard into a “cottage garden.” [Type “cottage garden” in Google image and you’ll get images of what I’d like my garden to look like.] I was also thinking about turning it into a Japanese Zen garden, but I think the cottage garden is more in sync with my personality and I know I won’t have time to keep the Zen garden meticulously neat and well groomed. This is not saying that a cottage garden is messy and without order, because it does require some planning, but I love the spontaneity and unrestrained vibrancy that are found in cottage gardens.

As you can see, the section that I will turn into my cottage garden borders the alley, but it is located behind my vegetable garden. I have a metal-link fence enclosing my property and I don’t intend on removing it anytime soon. I’m thinking about growing morning glories to provide some cover for the metal-link fence.

I’ve already been planning out what I will plant in this back area. Currently, I intend on planting perennials (plants that will grow back year after year) and I’ve already started envisioning how I will stage the plants I want to grow, so that something will flower throughout the spring and summer seasons (e.g. some of the plants will only flower in the spring, but others will flower in the summer and early autumn). I may add some annuals too (plants that only live for one season). The biggest addition I’m going to add to that area will be a Mesabi cherry tree. I’m really excited and I should have added it to my yard this year (so I’ll have one less year to wait for the tree to fruit), but I can’t wait to plant the tree and for it to fruit (so I can make my own cherry pies). In September, I’ll begin to tear out the grass and start working on the soil in preparation for Spring 2008. I'm sooooo excited!

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