Thursday, May 4, 2017

The Circle of Life

Welcome to this world, my beloved son!

Last month was my most recent stay in a hospital (the last time I stayed in a hospital was over a year ago when I birthed my Little One).  This occasion was also for the same joyous reason:  I gave birth to a lovely little boy.  Now I have two wonderful sons who are both under the age of two.

My Mister Man and I couldn't be any happier.  As we welcome this beloved addition to our family, I am also being informed by family members and friends that elders are passing away due to old age. I can't help but be reminded that the circle of life continues and to be grateful for each and every  moment we have with our loved ones.  Life is so precious and so short!  Grab onto every memory that you have and spend as much time as you can with those you love.  Be present in their lives (i.e. get off the phone, Facebook, etc.,) because before you'll realize it, the moment would have passed before your very eyes.

Here's to living, loving, and laughing!  Please take care.


Anonymous said...

I am very happy for you both and for a healthy baby boy. Hope for a fast recovery.

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I'm glad to hear that you're happy for my Mister Man and me. Yes, I had a fast enough recovery. I hope you're doing well.