Monday, November 14, 2016

A Sunny Quilt

I know, I know.  It's like a running joke here in my blog and in my house.  Seriously, my Mister Man wonders when I'm going to actually finish a quilt because I keep on starting quilts, but never finishing.  Well, I hope to prove him wrong this fall.

I decided in September or October that I wanted to make a quick quilt  for someone special.  I purchased  a precut bundle known as a "jelly roll."  Then yesterday, I just sewed each piece together and the little quilt top quickly came together.  (Seriously, the more simple the quilt, the easier it is to get done!)  I would have progressed a lot faster, but a bulk of my time was also spent taking care of my son.  Now, all I need to do is get some backing fabric and sandwich my quilt.  Then I will have to decide if I'm going to quilt the whole blanket or just tie it together with strings.  Before I know it, I'll bind my quilt and finally be done.
I have a deadline and I know that I will be extremely busy with the upcoming year, so this quilt needs to be done soon.  I really do hope that I can share a finished quilt with you all in a couple of weeks or months. 
What have you been up to lately?


Anonymous said...

Simply Beautiful

My Favorite Things said...

Thanks! This quilt is going to a special boy. I'm still working on it, but I hope to post a finished picture when I'm done.

Aplysia Oceanography said...

i like it a lot. :)