Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday's Quote: Dr. Wayne Dyer

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In Summer of 2014 I was debating about getting back with my Mr. Man and trying to figure out what exactly it was that I wanted in my life.  I had been learning to live in the present, but had not been appreciating what I had.

In Fall of of 2014, I learned that a good friend was going through a rough time:  her husband was diagnosed with cancer.  He seemed fine and then he suddenly was not. Within months of the diagnosis, his condition worsened and he passed away the day after Christmas.  His funeral was held on the last day in December 2014.  My friend and her husband loved each other very very much.  Whether they decided on purpose not have children, I do not know and I haven't yet asked if she regrets not having children with the love of her life.

I did not need to go through the heartache and pain she was going through to appreciate life.  Her situation was a wake up call to me and really drove in the point that every day is a gift.  I gave some more thought to my own life, but I finally just decided to quit worrying about the future and to stop regretting the past.  I finally decided that I may not have another day with anyone and to appreciate what I already had in my life, namely my Mr. Man.

Since that time, my perspective has changed greatly so that I savor as much of my life.  For example, I hate the 2 a.m. feedings, but these are also the most memorable moments.  While holding him, I try to keep my focus on him and appreciate holding him.  In the dark, I notice how he moves his cabbage patch arms and how he snuggles close to me as he's feeding.  I know that I will treasure and remember these moments when he's big and no longer wants to be held.  Sometimes, it's hard, but again, it's just a matter of changing my perspective and really appreciating every moment of life.

How are you doing?  Are you seizing and savoring every moment of life?