Sunday, April 24, 2016


Yesterday, I dropped off my sisters and their respective families at the airport.  They all came and visited me for a week with the intent of helping me and seeing my Little One.  I love my sisters with all of my heart and it's great when we all get together.  Yet, there is a lesson to be learned:  We need to be closer to one another to spend more time with each other, but we can't live with one another.

Even though we all grew up in the same household when we were young, as adults, we've all taken different paths and it's been a long time since we've lived together.  It's quite apparent to me that we all have different priorities in life, which affects how we lead our lives. (We're all so different!) Of course there's always love underneath it all, but we may clash on how to raise children, what to eat, and even how we speak to one another.

I don't think my sisters and I will be living near one another any time soon.  I guess, for the time being, this is as good as it gets.  At least I realize that we need our respective space and time from one another, and I'm being realistic.  I think my sisters too also realize this truth too, so maybe we can find a way to move forward and build better relationships with one another.

What about your relationship with your siblings?  Do you agree that it's best to live close to one another and not live with one another?

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