Monday, April 18, 2016

A Crocus or Two or Three

Some time ago, a friend showed me pictures of the wild purple crocuses taken while on a hike in the fall (yes, there are crocuses that bloom in the fall).  I was enamored by these wild flowers and decided to buy bulbs to plant in my yard.  I got the spring flowering ones and planted them in Fall 2014, so that they would bloom in Sprig 2015.  Unfortunately, I think the squirrels and other animals got a hold of my crocus bulbs, so I never got any crocuses in Spring 2015.

Then last fall, I decided to try again and I was finally rewarded this spring with several crocuses.  I had forgotten that I purchased yellow crocuses to plant too, but I so remember the purple ones.  So far, I've seen about five flowers and I know that many will be coming forth because I can see the slender green leaves shooting forth from the ground.  I was quite excited to see these spring flowers, and even though they aren't wild, they are just as beautiful.

Have you seen any crocuses lately, wild or homesown?

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