Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday's Quote: Gertrude Jekyll

"A garden is a grand teacher.  It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all, it teaches entire trust."---Gertrude Jekyll

My William Baffin rose bush is just as tall as me.

When I first moved into my home, I planted my William Baffin rose bush on the southern side of my house, right next to my driveway and right up onto the birdhouse post.  As the years passed by, I added a couple more plants to the area.  I recall adding several more rose bushes and then planting some peonies.  Then the last two years, I added some oriental lilies.

Some of my favorite oriental lilies growing and preparing to bloom.

This area wasn't really my ideal spot to grow some of my favorite flowers.  Yet, I kept adding more flowers to this spot because it received a lot of sunlight, and the ground was one where I could garden and grow my favorite flowers. With each passing year, I noticed what plant did well and what didn't (of course I did neglect this area for a year to two). This year, I gave more attention to it and added some chives (taken from someone else's yard), more roses, and two oriental poppy plants.  This spring also I put in some used pavers that I salvaged from my Mr. Man's former home to create a partial walkway.

The raspberry bushes, on the right, provide a nice "wall" from the driveway and garage.

Somehow, this spot has become one of my favorite places to be and I often find myself heading to this little patch to dig out the weeds. When my cousin was here recently, she asked if I was going to put in a bench (I guess she must have also felt how special this spot was too).  I've never thought to, but she's made a great suggestion.  This spot is a bit "untidy" and many of the plants have so much more growing to do (it really is teaching me patience); yet, when I'm near it or walking on my little walkway, it makes me feel very happy.  I'm going to trust that when this little spot have matured even more, it will be even more beautiful and make me even happier.

Do you have a favorite spot on your property?

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