Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Tuesday's Tune: Fight Song

"Fight Song" is such an awesome song.  I find this song, by Rachel Platten, so empowering, especially on the days where I want to be a nomad, get lost, and not care about the world.  On days when I feel the most alone, but know that I need to make my trek into the bigger world (especially when I'm anticipating a battle of hurtful words and emotions), this song strengthens my own personal convictions and restores my faith in myself that I will be alright.  It doesn't matter what others may say or do, so long as I believe in myself and trust my intuition, I will find the way out.

Let me know what you think of this song.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

In my youth, I loved eating rhubarb dipped in sugar.  Somehow, my love for it didn't transfer into my adulthood.  It's not as if I didn't have access to rhubarb because I've been growing it in my gardens for a very long time.  I just didn't pick it.  I don't know what was the cause of my aversion to it.

So, when I was teaching my friend to jam this past weekend, I decided to make strawberry rhubarb jam as another jam flavor.  Wow, strawberry rhubarb jam is super awesome and good.  It was sweet but puckery sour.    I found the recipe at this website, which doesn't use any pectin other than the lemon juice.  Since the recipe doesn't use commercial pectin, it will set up a bit soft and not be too firm.  I modified the recipe a bit and the following is my take on it.

Strawberry Rhubarb Jam

1.5 pounds of strawberries
1.5 pounds of rhubarb
2 Cups of sugar
Juice of one lemon

1. Wash the strawberries and rhubarb.  Cut the strawberries in half.  Cut the rhubarb into small pieces.

2. Put the strawberry, rhubarb and sugar into a bowl.  Gently stir to distribute the sugar.  Cover the bowl and let the fruit macerate in the sugar for at least six hours, up to twenty-four hours.

3. Pour the liquid from the macerated fruit into a pan and cook the liquid on medium heat until the volume goes down in half.

4. Add the fruit into the pan.  Continue to cook on a medium high heat and stir the mixture so it doesn't burn the bottom of the pan.  The cooking should take about 20 - 30 minutes.

5. Cook to a jam-like consistency.  You can check the consistency of the jam by using this method (which is my favorite method).

6. Take the jam off the stove and water bath can the jam.  (You can find canning instructions here.)

I need to find people to give my jam to because I've made enough to last a long time.  Enjoy and let me know what you think of the recipe.  

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Strawberry Jam

Yesterday, with a friend, I finally made strawberry jam again.  Darn good jam.  Sunshine in a jar to be exact.  Homemade goodness that can't be replicated in a factory.

Making jam can be time consuming because there's so much prep work.  Really, the cooking and canning parts are pretty easy, but it's the prep work (e.g. washing and sterilizing the jars and lids, washing and cleaning the fruit, washing dishes) that takes up so much time.  I'm so glad that my friend was able to help and that she was such an attentive learner.  I love teaching and sharing preservation methods and always hope for an interested audience.

Now, I don't exactly have a particular recipe when making plain ole strawberry jam.  I just follow the directions that come with the pectin package.  As for strawberry rhubarb jam, well, I found an awesome recipe and I'll share it with you tomorrow (I hope).

How is your summer so far?  Do you preserve or do anything to save sunshine in a jar?

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Strawberry Season

It's finally strawberry season in my neck of the woods.  I've actually been picking strawberries from my own tiny patch for the last several weeks, but the "U-pick" berry farms barely opened up this past week (we really have had a late spring and summer). So last night, I went berry picking. I picked more than I ate (always a good thing) and the strawberries are so sweet!  I could taste the sunshine and the rain in each berry.  The berries are so fragrant and would put a store bought Driscoll berry to shame. 

This morning, I also went berry picking again and brought a friend.  I was so happy to be able to share the experience with her and I do hope she had a wonderful time.  After our little foray into the berry patch, we spent the rest of the day making jam and a post about it will come soon in the near future.  I'm so glad that I made it a priority this year to go to the berry farm.

I hope you get a chance to go berry picking, wherever you are.  Please let me know if you're making jam, freezing your fruit, or have chosen to eat it all fresh.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Hmong Kabobs

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Tuesday's Tune: Titanium

Several years ago, when I first heard "Titaniuam" by Gavid Guetta featuring Sia, I knew it was going to be a hit (a really big hit). There's just something uplifting about this song.  I love everything about it: the lyrics, the music, the singer, the beat, etc.  So, I was a bit surprised when the song was first released in the U.S. that several people I knew had never heard of it.  Of course, I was the first to point out the song to them and tell them that they must listen to the song.  (I think they're glad that they did.)

I still love listening to this song and the above version is a very short and semi-bare take of the song. However, it's still a great variation of "Titanium."  When I listen to this song, I am reminded of that time period in my life (the good, the bad, and the wonderful).  I am also reminded that I can get back up, rebuild my life, be happy again, and love again.

What do you think about this song?

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Cast Iron Love

Not a cauldron, but good enough for me. ;)
Today a friend gave me several cast iron pans and a pot with a lid.  (Thank you, my friend. The pot makes me feel witchy!!!) I was more than happy to take them because I've been wanting to expand my collection of cast iron pans and I also wanted to get a pot to cook soup outdoors.  She was so gracious to give these cast iron pot and pans for free.

The pot looks like it's in great condition.  The pans have seen better days, so I'm going to have to re-season all five pans.  Some look like a cinch to re-season and then there are a couple that have rust on it.  Regardless, I'm really excited to make them new again.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tuesday's Song: I Just Had Sex

I came across this song because I've been watching this new tv show, Lip Sync Battle.  In this episode, Julieanne Hough battled against her brother Derek Hough and lip synched "I Just Had Sex." Apparently, the song is a parody, sung by Lonely Island (which consists of Andy Samberg) and features Akon.

Now, this song is totally not meant for little kids, but it's so darn catchy (seriously, listen to it and you'll be humming to yourself, "I just had sex . . .  .").  You have to watch the original video AND Julieanne Hough lip synching this song (so hilarious)!!!  I love her choreography to this song -- just so fun (of course, you also get to watch Derek Hough's hilarious choreography to "Chandelier").

So, if you're wanting to lighten up your mood, feeling a bit lonely, or just want a laugh, then go check out these videos and listen to "I Just Had Sex.".  It's such a lighthearted song and might put you in a great mood (even if you hadn't just had sex).  Let me know what you think of these videos and the song.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Cilantro Pesto

I love cilantro and I had a boatload of cilantro that my mother had brought to me in May.  This cilantro was special because it came all the way from California and from her own garden.  She may not realize it, but her cilantro is so very tasty.  Not wanting to waste all of the cilantro and wanting to make something meaningful with it, I took to the internet.  

I came upon this recipe and tweaked it a little bit.  I used only the juice of one (1) lime, instead of two because I found that one lime was plenty enough acid for 1 1/2 cups of cilantro.  I also omitted the jalapenos because I didn't have any good looking ones on hand (plus, I was making accommodations for people that didn't like to eat hot and spicy pesto).  The blogger at Fresh Bites Daily froze her pesto in baggies while I froze mine in little jars.  I actually opened one up today, and it smelled and tasted just as fresh (SO YUMMY).  I love using this cilantro pesto as a sauce on pasta, as a spread on sandwiches, eating it with just cheese, etc. (Really you can do anything with this pesto!)

Cilantro Pesto

1 1/2 Cups of chopped cilantro (both leaves and stems)
4 cloves of garlic
1 lime, juiced
1/2 Cup of olive oil

1. In a food processor (or blender), put in the garlic cloves.  Pulse the cloves for about 15 seconds or until the cloves are in small pieces.

2. Add the cilantro and lime juice.  Pulse for about 15 seconds or until cilantro is broken down.

3. Add the olive oil and pulse until the mixture comes together (maybe another 15-30 seconds).  The pesto should be smooth, but not turned into a liquid.

4. Store in small bags or containers and freeze.

When using, salt could be added to the pesto after it's been thawed.  Just remember to add a little and taste before adding more.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think of this recipe if you try it.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

My Own Peonies

Yesterday at a store, I balked at the cost of a bunch of cut peonies.  I couldn't believe that a bunch, which contained five peonies, cost $13.  They were quite beautiful, but I don't know if I would have paid $13 for five peonies.

I'm so glad and blessed to be able to grow some at home so that I didn't have to buy it at the store (I actually cut three of the white peonies to put in my home).  It took a lot of patience, waiting for the plant to get bigger and be able to bloom.  This year, one of the plants has finally established itself and has put forth a lot flowers.  I love the smell of the peonies and I really appreciate the fact that I'm able to grow my own.

What would you like to grow, rather than pay for at the store?

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Have a Seat

Sunday, June 7, 2015

After the Rain

A torrential rainstorm came through last night.  The rain banged so hard on my roof, it sounded as if someone was running on it.  I wonder what it would've sounded like if I had a metal roof. Would it have clanged or be very melodic?

The rain also left my garden very well watered (just perfect for today's hot weather) and with obvious tell-tale signs in the morning to let everyone know it came through.  My garden really loves all the water it's getting.  It didn't enough snow this past winter and there wasn't enough rain either.  Regardless, it will be happy with what it can get.

Have you gotten a lot of rain in your neck of the woods?

Friday, June 5, 2015

Friday's Quote: Gertrude Jekyll

"A garden is a grand teacher.  It teaches patience and careful watchfulness; it teaches industry and thrift; above all, it teaches entire trust."---Gertrude Jekyll

My William Baffin rose bush is just as tall as me.

When I first moved into my home, I planted my William Baffin rose bush on the southern side of my house, right next to my driveway and right up onto the birdhouse post.  As the years passed by, I added a couple more plants to the area.  I recall adding several more rose bushes and then planting some peonies.  Then the last two years, I added some oriental lilies.

Some of my favorite oriental lilies growing and preparing to bloom.

This area wasn't really my ideal spot to grow some of my favorite flowers.  Yet, I kept adding more flowers to this spot because it received a lot of sunlight, and the ground was one where I could garden and grow my favorite flowers. With each passing year, I noticed what plant did well and what didn't (of course I did neglect this area for a year to two). This year, I gave more attention to it and added some chives (taken from someone else's yard), more roses, and two oriental poppy plants.  This spring also I put in some used pavers that I salvaged from my Mr. Man's former home to create a partial walkway.

The raspberry bushes, on the right, provide a nice "wall" from the driveway and garage.

Somehow, this spot has become one of my favorite places to be and I often find myself heading to this little patch to dig out the weeds. When my cousin was here recently, she asked if I was going to put in a bench (I guess she must have also felt how special this spot was too).  I've never thought to, but she's made a great suggestion.  This spot is a bit "untidy" and many of the plants have so much more growing to do (it really is teaching me patience); yet, when I'm near it or walking on my little walkway, it makes me feel very happy.  I'm going to trust that when this little spot have matured even more, it will be even more beautiful and make me even happier.

Do you have a favorite spot on your property?

Thursday, June 4, 2015

At Last . . .

Lots of baby Morello cherries (notice the long stems).
This is the first year that I've seen my Morello cherry tree put forth so many cherries.  I know I won't have enough to make a pie with, but I hope I'll have a handful to make some maraschino cherries.  

Mount Royal plums in the making.

As for my plum tree, I actually have lots of little fruit.  This is the first year my tree put forth fruit. Now lets see if I might be able to harvest something in a couple of months (I'm noticing little green caterpillars eating away on the foliage and on top of the fruit).

What's growing in your garden?

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

My Nuptials

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tuesday's Tune: Party Rock Anthem

It's been some time since this song came out, but I have to share this song.  Like I said, my family members and I are a bunch of dancers.  Our affinity for this song started out with some of us teasing and testing one another about our abilities to do the shuffle and other dance moves in the video.  Then it became a contest, where we had a dance off at a club.  Unfortunately, some of my siblings didn't make it to the dance floor (one was pregnant, the other was too drunk, one was too cool to be seen with us, and the youngest was underage).  Those that did make it to the dance floor (siblings and non-siblings) had a blast and we found out who the ultimate dancer was in the family.

So, this past weekend, I dedicated this song to my family to dance to.  All of my siblings, their spouses, and children did me proud, went onto the dance floor and danced like there was no tomorrow.  I love my family.  We're an awesome bunch and this song will remain as our "family" song for a very long time.

What do you think about this song?  Do you and your family have your own "family song?"

Monday, June 1, 2015

Tree Hugger

Front to back: Lapins, Stella, and Kristin.
I like to think that I'm a tree hugger and not a tree hoarder. I love trees. I really do. I especially love fruit trees.  

This spring I ordered three more cherry trees:  a Lapins, a Stella, and a Kristin cherry tree (yes, I've planted a Lapins and a Stella in my yard before, but it's a long story as to what happened to those trees).  All three of these trees will produce sweet cherries and hopefully survive our harsh winters. It will probaby be at least four more years before I get any fruit, but it's best to plant my trees now rather than wait.  Five years will fly by quickly and before i know it, it will be time to harvest my cherries.

Do you have any favorite fruit trees?