Monday, September 29, 2014

Northern Minnesota

This past weekend was a perfect fall weekend.  The weather was predicted to be wonderful (which really was), the leaves were changing, and I had an itch to drive to northern Minnesota.  I've been wanting to go to Sugarloaf Cove, which is about an hour and a half from the city of Duluth.  So, off I went.

It was a glorious, foggy, and hazy sunrise.  It was also a long drive but I eventually got to my destination, Sugarloaf Cove, located in a nature preserve.  Sugarloaf Cove is known for its colorful rocky shore.  It really was breathtaking and the water of Lake Superior was so clear.

Cascade Falls, Minnesota
Since it didn't take too long to hike through the nature preserve, I headed up a little further north to Cascade Falls, pass Lutsen, Minnesota.  I tried my best to photograph the falls with the bright sun out.  It's not the best, but it wasn't too bad of an attempt.  Next time, when it's cloudy out, I might hike down and try to take a better picture.

I also hiked up further and got to one of the many points of the river that flowed downward, creating Cascade Falls. Of course, I also got so many photos of the colorful leaves.  Maybe this coming weekend would be a better time, but I'm still glad that I got up north.

How was your weekend?  Did you go somewhere fun?


Anonymous said...

Your pictures are getting better and better each time I see your work. Keep it up.

My Favorite Things said...

Thanks Anonymous. I've learned some tricks of the trade, which have greatly helped my photography. I'm sure you're still keeping up your photography skills.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I could learn a few new tricks from you? Keep shooting away perhaps I may stop by for a lesson or two?

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, I don't know if that would be advisable, especially if you're with someone else. I'm sure you've been improving your photography skills, even without me.