Saturday, August 2, 2014

Chasing Waterfalls

Cascade Falls in Osceola, WI
 This summer, I've been really trying to better my landscape photography.  For me, that means finding and chasing waterfalls.  I knew that most of the waterfalls in Minnesota (or the most well known) are located in northern Minnesota, well past the City of Duluth.

Willow Falls in Willow State Park,  near Hudson, WI.
To my surprise, there are actually several waterfalls within an hour's drive from the Twin Cities.  The most well known is Minnehaha Falls in Minneapolis (which I already knew about), but I've gone and photographed the other lesser known waterfalls (and they really are beautiful, especially with all the rain the Midwest have gotten this spring).

Minnehaha Falls, Minneapolis, MN
I hope to go to northern Minnesota later this summer and photograph the waterfalls in that area.  Wish me luck.  Have you been chasing waterfalls too?


Anonymous said...

I never thought you would be chasing waterfalls?

My Favorite Things said...

Hi Anonymous. How has life been treating you? I guess you don't know me at all. I've always secretly wanted to chase waterfalls and I just didn't know how.

I once had the opportunity to chase all the waterfalls to my heart's delight, but I was afraid. I guess I'm making up for that missed opportunity in my own way.

Have a good day.