Thursday, July 24, 2014


Earlier in the week I took a short trip and went ziplining in Minnesota.  It may not sound as fabulous as ziplining in other places (e.g. Belize, Brazil, Vancouver, etc.,), but it was still quite fun and the view was still beautiful.

The initial jump off the platform is heart stopping and very similar to skydiving.  Yet, I knew that the harness and cable were keeping me safe, so there really wasn't an overt fear of the unknown.  It was fun to just glide down the cable and watch the scenery pass by.  I hope to someday go ziplining abroad or someplace where the lines are longer and more extensive.  For now, I'm happy with my experience and wouldn't mind doing it again.

Have you gone ziplining?  What was your experience like?  Or, would you even consider ziplining?


Anonymous said...

Looks fun and exciting...

My Favorite Things said...

Hi Anonymous. How are you? Ziplining was fun. I hope to zipline again.