Friday, June 6, 2014

Friday's Quote: Maya Angelou

"Ask for what you want and be prepared to get it."--Maya Angelou

I haven't written on Friday's Quote for the last several weeks because the Quote of the Day that showed up (on the panel on the right) was a repeat or I just wasn't connecting to it.  With the recent passing of Maya Angelou, I felt that I had to take things into my own hands and find a quote from her to write about (and as a tribute to her).

For much of my life, I've been getting what I've asked for.  Of course, it took some hard work on my behalf too.  I had so many goals and dreams when I was younger.  In the last several years, I've been trying to just live my life and be in the present, enjoying what I've asked for.  I've forgotten to set new goals and dream even bigger.  I've been telling myself that it's time to set new goals and dream again, and this time, I will.

I have to reassess my goals, but I've been building up my dreams and it's about time I make those dreams BIG.  Really, DREAM BIG, set into motion a way to reach those dreams, and ask for it.  I also recognize that sometimes the thing I'm dreaming of, what I ask for, may not always be exactly what I want.  But it's not going to stop me.  There's also that little nagging voice in the back of my head asking me if I'm ready and I'm learning to answer it with a definite "YES!"

How about you?  What are you dreaming about, what goals are you hoping for?  What are you asking for?  Are you prepared to get it?

[I think from here on out, if I don't like the generated Quote of the Day that's generated on Friday, then I'm going to find another quote to my liking and blog about it Friday's Quote.]

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