Monday, May 26, 2014


Last fall, I planted some tulips and most have finally come up and bloomed earlier this past week (it is a bit late, but it has been a very late spring).  I'm still waiting for the other tulips to pop up, but I'm also wondering if the animals have gotten to the bulbs during the fall or winter.  I believe I planted about close to fifty bulbs, but right now I'm only seeing a handful of tulips. 

Maybe this fall I'll plant even more and see what happens.  I will plant more bulbs, especially since I've gone through the planting process.  Last fall, I thought I had too many bulbs and worried that there wasn't enough room and may have been planted too close to one another.  Now, I'm seeing that there's a lot of room and the bulbs could be planted a lot closer.  I'm also thinking I should plant more because not only do I want to keep some in my yard but I'd love to snip a few to brighten up my home.  Now, it's just a matter of following through in the fall, when the days are a lot colder and the winds are harsher, and actually dig and plant.

I hope you're having a wonderful Memorial Day.

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