Saturday, February 22, 2014

Going Down Memory Lane

I've finally been able to set up my scanner to my laptop so that I can start scanning all of my pictures.  The intent is to not only preserve our family pictures but also to share it with the rest of my siblings and their respective families.

Oh my gosh, it's been some time since I've looked closely at these pictures.  I can't believe how much time has flown by.  I'm reminded of all the wonderful and happy times.  I'm also surprised at how much time has faded the hurt feelings and closed up the wounds.  I'm not implying that I'm looking at all of my memories with rose-colored glasses, only that time really does heal.

I've read that some people are trying to simplify their lives by scanning their pictures and then throwing away the original pictures.  That way, they have less "clutter" or "stuff" around the house.  I don't think I could ever do that.  Even though I have an electronic copy of the original, the quality of the original is so much better and I'm always afraid that I'd lose the electronic copy.  No, I'll keep all of my original pictures.  It's too hard to part with.

I guess this never ending winter vortex is a bit useful after all - I'll be staying indoors and scan as many pictures as possible.  

Have you started scanning your pictures?  Would you throw away your original pictures once scanned?


Anonymous said...

I've done that a few years ago. Awesome isn't it!

My Favorite Things said...

Anonymous, how is that coming along. I find it a tedious job. So, do you throw away your originals too, or do you keep them?

Anonymous said...

When I completed the scanning project I kept some and throw some away that I didn't really like. Now I could always reprint if I wanted one from the past because it's in digital formate.

Unknown said...

I'm done scanning the pics I took home. It's at home...and will send them when I remember. Just been busy and yes, it is tedious.

My Favorite Things said...

ML Jr, upload the pictures into the Google Account I created.