Friday, February 7, 2014

Friday's Quote: Lucius Annaeus Seneca

"No man was ever wise by chance."---Lucius Annaeus Seneca

I still have many many many more ways to go before I'm within the vicinity of becoming wise.  I don't know if I'll ever be wise in this lifetime.  I've so much to learn, of course much of my learning is through trial and error.  

Most recently, I've been bad at returning correspondences and I think I may have hurt someone's feelings because I took too long to respond.  I also listened to some bad advice and it made my situation even worse.  At the moment, I may have to further mend the rift with this person.  I hope that there won't be any hard feelings.  This situation reminds me how far off I am from being wise, but at least I'm learning.  If there's a next time, I will just go with my own gut feeling and do what I think is right.

What mistakes, lessons, or "hard knocks" have you gone through that's helped you moved closer to becoming wiser?

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