Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday's Tune: Wings

My blog is a work in progress and I'm making things up as I go.  So, on my drive home today, I thought that on Tuesdays I might blog about a song (or several) that I'm enjoying at the moment.  For some unknown reason, I feel like sharing songs and providing my own commentary of the songs.  Of course, I don't always have to blog about a song on Tuesdays, although I have been consistent with posting only pictures on Wordless Wednesday and blogging about quotes on Friday's Quotes.  I'll figure it out.

Anyhow, today, I'd like to share the song "Wings" by Birdy.  I love the music at the beginning (it sounds so grand) and the lyrics are so sweet.  It made me think of people.  I find the song very romantic and I love dancing to this song, even by myself.

I came across this song because it's being used in a commercial for a movie and I was immediately in love with the song upon hearing it in the commercial.  Let me know what you think of this song.

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