Monday, October 14, 2013

Wonderful Tonight

I've always loved Eric Clapton's Wonderful Tonight.  I love it.  The song is also one of my former beau's favorite song.  I've rarely associated him with a song, until this song came on the radio the other day and the first person I thought of was him.  It's funny how a song can transport one back to a certain time and/or remind one of a certain person.
Anyhow, the song has been stuck in the back of my mind for the last couple of days.  Regardless of the fact that this song makes me think of a former beau, I really love this song and wanted to share it.  The following is my favorite rendition of Wonderful Tonight
Isn't Eric Clapton awesome?  Do you have a song that takes you back to a different time or reminds you of someone?

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