Saturday, August 4, 2012

More Furniture

I brought two more pieces of furniture to add to my "collection," with the intent of reupholstering.  (If you want to see the other pieces of furniture I'm in the process of reupholstering, go check out my posting dated November 14, 2011.)  I feel as if I'm on the verge of becoming a furniture hoarder.  Oh my, let me explain . . .

You see, there's a running banter among my family members and I, in which we call one another a "hoarder."  We don't mean to use it in a derogatory way at all.  The term is used to reflect each person's "collection" of certain items and his/her inability to stop "collecting."  For example, one of my sisters "collects" clothes.  I don't think she intends to collect clothes, but she has a lot of clothes, even dating back to her prepregnancy days and to a time when we lived together in Northern California.  Both of my other sisters seem to collect stuff.  They both have too much of stuff and both somehow spending money on things they don't necessarily need.  One of my brothers love to "collect" football jerseys and athletic shoes.  He claims that he buys with the intent of reselling, but I think he actually keeps more jerseys than selling it.  I won't go on and on about the rest of my family members (seriously, I don't even want to get started on my parents), but I am describing a behavioral issue that seems to be present among most of my family members.

Now, I really do feel as if I'm really becoming a hoarder of furniture.  I have to say, I really love the sofa and chair that I collected.  I love the lines and the styles of these pieces of furniture.  If you had to the opportunity to get these pieces of furniture for a cheap price or for free, wouldn't you take it to try and reupholster it?  Well, like I said, I love the style of these pieces.  They're pretty good looking.

Do you secretly "collect" things?  What do you "collect?"


Anonymous said...

I want that sofa and chair! Please send it my way! Those are really nice addition to your collection. Can't wait to the outcome of your projects. G

My Favorite Things said...

Thanks G. I was thinking of reupholstering the chair in leather, if I could afford it. As for the sofa, I'd love to keep it in vinyl, but I'm thinking of a soft charcoal gray. What do you think? Of course, once I'm done, I'll post all about it.

Anonymous said...

I think the charcoal color would be nice, but keep it black cause I like black. Also depending what you have in that room? Beside I don't really know what furniture pieces you have, but by reading your blog I feel you are an artistic person so I believe you will make a great choice. G

My Favorite Things said...

Well G, I will keep you all updated. I still have yet to look at fabrics, but I really am considering charcoal gray.

Unknown said...

Girl, how do you have time to do the furniture, the yard (veggies), exercise, etc? All these things take time, lots of time. But I can't wait to see what the two items will look like when done.