Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday's Quote: Henry David Thoreau

"Things do not change; we change."---Henry David Thoreau


My gardening pursuits have made me much more patient in other areas of my life. Like Mother Nature, life and life situations cannot be changed.  Sometimes, we must go though the changes of the season (as we probably ought to).  Rather than remain rigid and unbending, I have been learning to accept that I must change with the seasons.  For example, I have realized that in my life, I love my family members, but I cannot change our family dynamics.  Despite my love for my family members, they also bring a lot of stress to my life.  In order to keep my sanity, I have slowly learned to change how I respond to my family members, or at the very least change how I perceive my family members.  It's a slow process, but I am slowly trying to change myself, to change with the seasons.

How about you, how have you changed in response to life and your life situations?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What about your love life? How do compromise family and love? G