Saturday, June 23, 2012

Lilies in the Garden

The lilies in my garden are now coming into bloom, right after the peonies and irises have just faded.  The Asiatic lilies, the day lilies, and all sorts of lilies are coming our of their slumber, ready to show their wonderful faces to the world.  
Unfortunately, some of the lilies never got a chance to shine because some critter (I think it was a squirrel) bit off the flower bud before it even got a chance to bloom.  Darn it, right?  Well, hopefully next year it will get its chance to shine bright.
I can't wait for the Oriental lilies to bloom.  They're my favorite because they're so fragrant.  I especially love Stargazer lilies.  I have a couple in my garden, but I'm thinking of purchasing more bulbs so that I can have enough to produce flowers for my garden and for the home. 
If you want to find out more about lilies, please check out the following website:

Do you have a favorite type of lily?


Anonymous said...

Love those lilies, they are so colorful in color and fragrants. G

My Favorite Things said...

G, I can't wait to share pictures of the Stargazer lilies. They're so pretty. Too bad the internet doesn't have smell technology yet.

Anonymous said...

I love lilies flowers! G