Thursday, May 3, 2012

Strawberry Update

Mara Des Bois strawberry plant and flowers
About a week or two ago I noticed that my strawberry plants, both varieties, were blooming.  How lovely.  Now I know for sure that the little "stray" strawberry plant I saved last summer is an ever bearing type.  Currently, the Mara Des Bois flowers are slightly larger than those on the stray strawberry plant.
My "stray" strawberry plant and its flowers.
I have to say, I'm so surprised at how well the little stray strawberry plants are doing.  The plants were quite spindly and small when I first transplanted the plants.  Apparently, the plants must love their spot in the raised bed.  With more sun and better soil, the plants have grown quite large, the leaves are really healthy looking, and have spread quickly.  I'm curious to taste the strawberries from these stray plants.

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