Tuesday, May 1, 2012


I read and have seen pictures of helleborus (a.k.a. Lenten Rose) in gardening books, but it wasn't until my trip to Atlanta  in Spring 2009 that I actually saw a hellebore.  While crossing through a shaded area of a public park, in my attempt to find a paved walking path, I saw what I thought to be a hellebore.  I did a double take and upon closer inspection, the plant looked just like all the hellebores I've ever seen in books. The petals were quite faded,  indicating that it was past it's peak, but the flower was still blooming.  After that trip, the flower continued to stay on my mind.  Then in Spring 2010, I finally planted several hellebores of the orientalis variety.
I have two different types, a pink one called Cherry Blossom, and a yellowish one called Apricot Blush.  I knew that I would appreciate these flowers, but I've actually grown to love the little plants.  I love the fact that these flowers are the first to bloom in the spring (despite the cold,) are very low maintenance, and I love that the plants do so well in the shade.  I think I might order some more, considering how shady my yard is.
Have you seen a hellebore before?  What was your impression of it?

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