Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Flowers

Okay, so I will admit for a little bit that spring is finally here.  The weather has mostly been blustery, cloudy, and a tad cold.  Mix in with it a little sunshine, some drizzling rain, and some cool temperatures.  It feels like a perfect Minnesota spring.  Yet, I digress.
I've gone around noticing that the the tulips and other "spring announcing" flowers are forcing itself out and announcing to the world that it's ready to bloom.  I took a couple of pictures here and there, but I cheated a bit and went to the conservatory to take pictures of their spring bulbs.  I don't know why it takes me so long to finally decide on this, but I think this fall I will order and plant myself some spring bulbs for Spring 2013.


Anonymous said...

I guess spring has actually come in the Midwest. Now that you have planted wasn't a waste! SS

My Favorite Things said...

SS, I'm still deliberating if my early planting was a waste of time or not. I hope I don't regret because there's still the possibility of a late freeze. Keeping my fingers crossed for rain and warm days.