Saturday, April 14, 2012

Spring Cleaning

For those who know me well, I am a semi-messy person.  I don't mean to be and I have been trying my very best to be less messy with each passing year.  I will admit that some of my messiness is due to my laziness; yet, I will also admit that I lack sufficient organization skills (but I'm working on it).  At the same time, just because I'm messy doesn't mean that I don't like things to be clean.
Every spring, I try to "spring clean" my home.  Today is my spring cleaning day.  In addition to my semi-weekly cleaning routine (e.g. changing bed sheets, cleaning bathroom, laundry), I rotated my mattress, washed some windows, washed all pillows, and washed all of my winter blankets.  Considering that today is a beautiful day outside, I hung my blankets outside to dry.  I will store these blankets away for the summer, ready for fall's chilly nights.
For the last several years, I've moved on to homemade/organic products to aid me in my house cleaning.  I find that baking soda, ammonia and vinegar are not only cheap, but also very useful cleaning products.   Of course I still use cleaning products found at stores, but I find that these three products pretty much suffice for a lot other cleaning products.  In the picture above, I'm infusing the vinegar with grapefruit zest in order to minimize/replace the vinegar's odor with the grapefruit odor.

Do you spring clean?  How is your spring cleaning coming along.  If you are interested in creating your own homemade/organic cleaning products, check out the following web page:


Anonymous said...

Good to see that you are getting rid of stuff.....LESS HRDRing....

My Favorite Things said...

C, I'm not hoarding. I have a lot of stuff, but I just need to organize better and better use my existing space.

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see that you have time to do some spring cleaning. I need to do some of that around my house too when I'm not to busy reading others Page