Saturday, March 3, 2012


 Despite the recent snowstorm, I am excited about spring.  I cannot wait to start gardening.  This year, like every year, I have good intentions to start things on the right path and will try to follow through this year.  I have plans to start my seedlings this year and not kill it off due to my forgetfulness.  Hopefully, when I implement my new plan, I will also blog about it too. 

This year, I purchased some seeds because I wanted to plant different varieties of hot peppers in my garden.  Some of these peppers, I am trying for the sake of trying a different kind of hot pepper.  Yet, I am also going to try grow two peppers specifically for pickling.  If any of this works out, I will keep you updated.  Once more, I need to germinate the seeds and keep the little seedlings alive.

I also hope to germinate some strawberry seeds too.  I wanted to add some strawberry plants to the borders around my yard to as a way to replace some of my grass and just to add interest.  I tried starting some late last summer, but the seeds never germinated.  I will try again this spring.  Hopefully, I will be successful.  

Are you already thinking about your garden?  Are you intending to plant anything new in your garden?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So happy for you that you are becoming more organize and planning ahead for your garden. Can't wait to see it with my own eyes. Maybe somday? S