Sunday, January 29, 2012

Self Sufficiency Skills

There's a blog that I read from time to time.  Recently, the blogger wrote about people being a resource or a liability in tough times, and the type of skills one may need to cultivate for survival during tough times.  You can read more about her thoughts at the following link:

What I found interesting about this topic (which happens to be a popular "trend" at the moment) was that many of these skills necessary for survival were constantly practiced in my household when I was growing up.  For example, my mom and grandmother grew their own vegetables every summer, saved seeds, sewed and mended clothing, were knowledgeable of herbal remedies, knew how to butcher meat and dehydrate meat.  My father , who also possessed some of these skills, hunted and knew how to create shelter.  These skills were really indicative of my parents' cultural background and upbringing.  This was how they lived their lives when they were young, at the same time it was how my parents made ends meet.

A few of these skills got passed along to my siblings and me, but unfortunately we were ignorant and didn't see the value of learning and honing these skills.  As an adult, I now really appreciate the skills my parents tired to instill in my siblings and me.  I know in the last two years, I thought a lot about being more self sufficient and have tried to pick up some self sufficiency skills.  For example, I know how to crochet, sew and mend (a little bit);  I have learned to can, preserving food through pickling and jamming; I've learned to save seeds and propagate plants; and I know how to grow my own fruits and vegetables suitable for my climate.  At the same time, living by a lake provides the benefit of being able to fish.  I continue to think about ways in which I can be more self sufficient and what skills I could better hone.  Of course, I'm still learning.  At some point, I also realize that to be even more self sufficient, I need to just got back to my origins and consume whatever is available to me.

So what skills have you developed or would like to develop in order to be more self sufficient?


c said...

I know my directions, what is north, south, east and west. I know that if I was to get lost in the woods, I can survive by building a shelter from the wood, starting a fire and eating what is available, including fishing...

My Favorite Things said...

C, it's good that you know your directions. Sometimes I even second guess myself (e.g. I think I'm facing west and the sun is setting right in front of me). You might be someone good to have around when times are tough. ;)

Anonymous said...

Self sufficiency skills runs deep in my blood. Survival is my nature.

My Favorite Things said...

Well Anonymous, sounds as if the world's demise is going to happen in 2012, you'll have no problem trying to fend for yourself. Cool.