Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Is it December already? Where has this year gone? I cannot believe that Thanksgiving has already passed and Christmas will be here shortly. I recall that I did not enjoy last year's holiday season at all because I was going through a very tough time emotionally. Now, I feel as if this year is a repeat of last year, but with a different twist. I am so confused. Why must the heart make things so complicated? At the same time, work is also keeping me very busy. I need to learn to say "no," but I want to help people, especially when there's merit in the cases that are brought before me.

In remembering last year, I told myself I will take some time to enjoy this holiday season. I don't mean to say that I will be spending money like crazy. I mean to say that I will take time to just enjoy the moment and appreciate all of the things going around me at this time of the year (e.g. the hustle and bustle, the decorations, the singing, the celebrations, etc.,). Maybe I should take it on myself to capture more photographs of these things. Maybe this holiday season, despite my emotions going on another roller coaster ride, I will try my best to appreciate the moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry things has been rough for you during this past year! Hope this coming new year will be a much better year then last year! :)